Initiating the Rite
Establishing the Group Mind
Purification - This must take place prior to Opening the Gates
Honoring the Earth Mother: Gaia, great mother of us all. You allow us to walk across your back, to dig into your skin, and benefit from your great wealth of gifts. We wish to offer back to you. We wish to show how much we appreciate everything you do for us. Mother Gaia accept our sacrifice.
Statement of Purpose: We come as a community to put into practice what we have learned today. We wish to honor our dead, to connect to the spirits of this land and place, and to create relationship with the Theoi, those worthy of worship. We bring the bonds of our community in this act of piety and worship act as a first offering to our mighty Kindreds.
Well: Water running deep into the soil and rock, doorway to the land of Ploutōn who is the ruler of all the is under the ground. Here is where our dead rest and are protected by him, till they might deep from the river and be reborn into this world. You act as a gate into this land where our might ancestor dwell. Accept this offering of silver as our way to honor you as you open the way for our dead to join us for this rite.
Fire: Bright flame, shining up to the heavens where the Theoi dwell. You are a beacon that can guide those worthy of worship to our side. You take our sacrifices and transform them into what is acceptable, and wish to honor you for the service you give us both mystical and mundane.
Tree: Might tree, you whose branches reach into the heavens, and whose roots dig deep into the Earth. You stand between all worlds and are the structure of order for all. Our own evolution is a refection of your shape. You act as a connection to all life that walks on Gaia’s back. Act today as a doorway for those spirits that share this land and space to join with us. Accept this offering as our way to honor you.
Opening the Gates- Hermes
Ancestors: Mighty dead, whose shoulders we stand upon. Your sacrifices and lives are what make our lives possible. You watch over us, your children, and give wisdom and guidance when needed, linking us to you, and to each other. You are blood of our blood, bone of our bone, spirit of our spirit. We offer you bread from our table to honor, feed, bless, and please you. Come through the gate of the well and join us for this rite. Ancestors accept our sacrifice.
Nature Spirits: Sprits of this land and of this place, you who share space with us, we wish to live in harmony with you in the bonds of Ghosti. Please came to us through the gate of the tree, and join us here as we share community with the Kindreds. Nature spirits accept this offering of seeds and may it honor, feed, bless and please you. Nature spirits, accept our sacrifice.
Theoi: Shining Theoi, worthy of worship and praise. Your gifts feed our souls and our bodies. You are the beings we long for as our days progress. Let the fire call to you, and lead you here. Come share this space and create community with us. With wors and gifts we offer to the Gods, calling them here. Accept this gift of honey wine. May it honor, feed, bless, and please you. Theoi, accept our sacrifice.
Key Offerings
Invitation of Beings of the Occasion:
Metis: Metis, Titaness of wisdom and deep thought, whose craft and wit
excelled among the mighty ones, Goddess of magical cunning married to deep wisdom, mother of Athena and Porus, God of creative ingenuity. We do know you as well as we wish. Please make yourself known to us during this time. May all your mysteries surround us and be made known. May we open ourselves up to your many gifts. With this sacrifice, we establish hospitality with you. We act as host today, that you may be host for us another day. Metis, accept this sacrifice.
Athena: Athena, illustrious goddess with sharp grey eyes, daughter of Zeus and Metis. Crafty one, mother of art in all your abundance, catalyst of progress! Patron of war and wisdom, mother of democracy and protector of the people, please come to the fire and and join us in this space. Your blessings fall on those whose work is of the mind--friend of the philosopher, the scientist, the student. Advisor of kings, patron of clever heroes and bold-hearted adventurers, defender of the thinker, mistress of reason and understanding We wish to honor you, to know you, and to be known by you. With this sacrifice, we establish hospitality with you. We act as host today, that you may be host for us another day. Athena, accept this sacrifice.
Prometheus: Prometheus, whose name means fore thought, you worked with your brother Epimetheus to create the human race from clay. You are anticipation that brings awakening. You gave us the gift of fire that we might have technology to survive, but also that we might have a means to give sacrifices and be in relationship with the Theoi. You are the one who negotiated how the sacrifices would be offered, and have always stood as an advocate of the human race. Champion of humanity, intelligent trickster, please join us here in this space. We wish to honor you and your gifts. With this sacrifice, we establish hospitality with you. We act as host today, that you may be host for us another day. Prometheus, accept this sacrifice.
Epimethus: Epimetheus, your name means after thought, and you are the co-creator of the human race. You are Awe, forever lingering in the moment, giver of wakefulness and understanding of the gifts that have been given. You teach us what is of most value. You are the gift of reflection, of learning form our past, and you are experience that continues to create who we are today. You are what makes community possible, and what makes it grow strong and healthy. You teach us what it means to be human. We wish to honor you and your gifts. With this sacrifice, we establish hospitality with you. We act as host today, that you may be host for us another day. Epimetheus, accept this sacrifice.
Praise Offerings
Prayer of Sacrifice
Calling (asking) for the Blessings
Working: Pathwork
Thanking the Beings
Closing the Gate(s)
Thanking the Earth Mother
Closing the Rite