From the Nature Spirits: Eight of Bows. There is a sincere desire for celebration, security and harmony shared with kindred spirits.
From the Shining Ones: Eight of Arrows. Courage is needed to survive the storm. Reach down into the very core of your being and summon all the reserves of your courage and wisdom.
Two Powers Meditation
Opening Prayer: (Revised from Rev. Kirk Thomas’ poem)
Power of creativity that attends us
Voice of the Well of Wisdom
Voice of the Fire of Inspiration
We call you to place the clear heart in us
Come into our hearts' shrines
Guide our rite in the way of truth
O power of inspiration in this holy place
O power of inspiration at this holy time
So Be It! !
Honoring the Earth Mother: (MAT-ka ZHAY-mi-a)
Matka Ziemia - We are your children, born of your
womb and nourished by your abundance. You are
the foundation of each day of life, and you are the
shroud to which we will return upon death. We
pray that you bless and uphold our rite tonight, as
you uphold the whole world. Mother of Earth -
accept our sacrifice! (barley)
Statement of Purpose: (Written by Rev. Michael J. Dangler)
When you were born,
the earth became your body,
the stone became your bone,
the sea became your blood,
the sun became your eye,
the moon became your mind,
the wind became your breath.
When you passed to the Otherworld,
your breath became the wind,
your mind became the moon,
your eye became the sun,
your blood became the sea,
your bone became the stone,
your body became the earth.
When we were born, you did the same for us:
you called forth the earth and rocks;
the sea arose and the sun descended;
the moon shone down and the winds sang.
For those who come after, we shall do as you did
for us.
When we are gone, we shall do as you did before.
Ancestors, we honor you.
Recreating the Cosmos:
Deep water of the well - your living water saturates
down into the ground, nourishing tender roots and
seeds even while they slumber. And you flow
beyond, past soil and stone into a land of memory
and shadow, the land of our ancestors. Without you
our world would be barren and lonely. Please accept
this gift as receipt of our gratitude. (silver) !
Fire burning brightly - you above all others, have the
ability to transform offerings into that which is
acceptable. We thank you for the transformation of
our sacrifices and offer you this oil in gratitude. (oil) !
Mighty tree - you which weaves all worlds together.
Your branches stretch and reach towards the shining
Gods and Goddesses, your roots meander deep into
the soft earth beckoning to the ancestors, and your
trunk connects them all here, with us, in our world
tonight among ourselves and the spirits of this
land. We offer you this incense in deep appreciation
of your services both in the past and that which you
will provide here tonight. (incense)
Opening the Gate: You who are opposed to this rite,
We acknowledge you and offer to you this, to occupy
you during our work here tonight. (whiskey) !
Zorya - bright sisters of the morning and evening
stars, you who guard the gates of the hellhound,
come to our fire. We ask that you keep the
boundaries firm against those who wish ill fortune
upon this work, and open the gates so the the
Kindred Three may join us here. We offer you these
flowers in appreciation for your assistance. (flowers) !
Let the gates be open. The water, the fire and the
tree flow and flame and grow within us.
Offerings to the Kindreds: !
Nature Spirits - Children of the Earth call out to the
tribes of spirits. O companions, o allies. Spirits of this
land, you who live among the trees, in the tall
grasses and deep within the native waters, you have
a place here at our fire. To the Kindreds of stone and
stream; to those of leaf and root and shoot, to those
of fur and feather and scale.To all, we give welcome
at our sacred fire and give honor and welcome to
you with this sacrifice. (salt) !
Deities - Children of the Earth call out to the Shining
Ones, the Gods and Goddesses of old time. You
who are worthy of worship, you who make all things
possible - your glory is brighter than all creation and
inspires greatness in those who follow you. The first
children of the Mother, the wisest and mightiest; to
all the deities of this land, known or unknown - you
are welcome here at our fire. Accept this sacrifice
and know that our hearts call for you. (incense
packet) !
Ancestors - Children of the Earth call out to the
Mighty Dead. Hear us, O ancestors, our kindred. To
those whose blood is our blood, to those from far
away lands that offered the first sacrifice and learned
the proper ways to honor the gods and goddesses -
you are welcome here at our fire! The gates are
open, join us! Drink with us, and partake of bread.
We long for your company, and wish to speak your
names once again. This is the night of nights, when
the boundary between our realms evaporates, when
flesh is no longer required for one to walk upon the
earth. Join us, ancestors, accept our praise, and this
sacrifice. (ale and bread)
Deity of the Rite: !
The cult of the dead reaches far back into the
long ago days of ancient Slavic culture; days so
distant that all that remains are remnants and
song. Tradition tells us that when a loved one
dies, their soul has a dual destiny. There is that
part of the soul that lives among the trees and
birds, among the flowers and deer, among the
spirits of this land. This is the origin of those
liminal spirits - the leshi of the forest, the polevik
of the field, and the rusalka of the waters. The
other part of the soul, the essence of an
individual’s being, wanders the earth for forty
days, visiting beloved friends and family and
favorite places. After forty days that soul finally
journeys on to the underworld, the realm of the
ancestors. The realm of those who we have
come to honor this evening. !
In Polish, this is the feast of Dziady.
“Grandfathers” is the literal translation, but it is
understood that all the ancestors are
remembered. It is a day dedicated to memory, of
visiting cemeteries and partaking in graveside
picnics. A night of bonfires and warmth to
welcome the spirits home. !
And it is mighty Veles who has led them through
the gates to this world. !
Veles - God of cattle, magic, poetry and music.
Punisher of broken oaths, mighty god of liminality
and master of the gates between the living and
the dead. You are welcome at our fire! Shepherd
of souls, you have guided our loved ones here so
that we could speak their names once again, and
for that we are grateful. Please accept this
offering, in sincere gratitude for all that you have
done, and will continue to do. Veles, accept our
sacrifice! (vodka) !
Personal Offerings !
Omens: We ask that the Kindreds speak to us,
and offer us their teachings. (omens)
Hallowing of the Waters: As children of the
Earth we call for the blessings of the Kindreds.
We fill the bellies of our spirit with this drink - O
Holy Ones, give to us as we have given to you!
Let this vessel receive your blessings! !
Affirmation of the Blessings: By this work we
are blessed. To all that have aided us here today,
we give thanks. !
Thanking the Beings:
Veles - may we always be right in our worship of
you and the Shinning Ones which make all things
possible. !
Ancestors - we stand here, the living result of
your love and life. You are forever welcome at our
fires, within our homes, and in our hearts. !
Spirits of the Land - thank you for witnessing this
rite here this evening. !
Closing the Gates:
Zorya - sisters - we offer gratitude for minding the
gates so that we could honor the ancestors in
peace. Your work here tonight is done. !
Thanking the Earth Mother:
Matka Ziemia, thank you for upholding this rite
and blessing us daily with your generous gifts. !
Statement of Ending:
May the tree be just a tree, the well just water,
and the fire but a simple fire. Let us leave here
tonight with blessings upon us and peace within