"You can only give if you are also able to receive. How easy is it for you to receive the love and concern of others?"
Even more so, because this is something that keeps getting pointed out to me from various sources (including a few friends). I have no issue with giving to others, and caring about their problems and issues, but I get extremely uncomfortable when people try to help me with my stuff. I have no idea why, but I am hoping I can work on it anyway.

"Bear gives a clear warning that you must take care not to be overwhelmed by the ferocious mother, by the berserk warrior- by forces of anger and primal ferocity..."
It takes a fair amount to make me angry (my anger tends to turn into depression within seconds of the initial flash point). When I do get riled up, it burns extremely hot and tends to turn into the grudge from hell. I think the Bear points to this part of me, but more so in that I allow the anger of others to overwhelm me. I tend toward the empathic and it is easy for me to pick up the emotions of others and internalize them. I need to find a way to pull back and stand separate. I need to find a way to do this not only for my own health and safety, but for those around me as well. I need to do this so that healthy relationships may grow in directions helpful for all concerned.

The Bee is a call for celebration, organization, and community. I think I am being asked to allow more joy and recognition of what I have done so far. I sometimes forget what I have accomplished and tend to think more about what needs doing.
Although, I bet Brian would say I need to work on organizing the house more and now the Gods are commanding it. I think instead I will see the Bee as a call to dance and rejoice in life and friends. So there :P