As the year progressed I began to get to know the local squirrel population very well. Their various calls of distress, checking in with each other, or of playing became the background music of my time outside. I had my heart broken when my of the little ones showed up with a missing paw, and most of his tail gone. I left special seed offerings out for him, but after a few months (just long enough for me to hope that he might make it), he stopped coming. I watched them make their messy nests high up in the branches, and laughed as small little rambunctious babes began their playful chases up and down the tree trunks. The mothers would chuck an alarm when they saw me, calling the wee ones back up to the nest, but after a bit I didn’t hear that as much.
My yard has become a retreat in such a short amount of time. I am glad that I have started this path, and hope to continue to get to know my own yard better. Who knows, maybe the Bald Eagle I saw one day flying overhead will return.