First of all, it made me happy to see the animal that represents my patron right off the bat. According to Carr-Gomm, the owl teaches us the wisdom of turning a disadvantage into an advantage. The single "call words" are listed as, "Detachment, Wisdom, and Change."
I will admit the current situation makes detachment a tad difficult, but I hope I am showing wisdom and the ability to change as things require.
On the branches hang votive offering to the hag/crone Goddess, with a full moon in the background. Crones have a very special place in my heart, and to see her in the reflection of a full mother moon makes me feel calm, and protected. Crones are not to be crossed, and can be very dangerous, but they also tend to be wise and use only what force is necessary.
The description of this card that drew my attention first was, "...the process of scapegoating is occurring in your life." Now it doesn't only mean that I am the one being scapegoated, but that I may also be blaming someone else for the situation. I am thinking it is a bit of both, truth me told. It also doesn't say if that blame is well deserved or not, just that it is happening.
The description continues with, "To truly resolve an issue, a different approach is needed." Now if I could just figure out what that different approach looks like... I'm thinking some meditation is in order for this one.
The "Call Words," for this card in reverse are, "The Outcast, Scapegoating, and Blame."
"Sometimes we have to go through a period of breakdown so that something wider and deeper can enter our lives. The Boar is the emissary of the Terrible Mother- who is the Initiator."
Huh, there's that crone again!
The call words for the Boar in reverse are, "Madness, a period of destruction that precede a period of creation."