"Feelings of no one noticing you or paying attention," are not exactly accurate for how I feel. I really don't think I need more attention than I have. Perhaps this is a call to go into the quiet a bit more? To be that small delicate life on the forest floor, that grows in the shadows of such big things as trees. Ferns are healing plants, and powerful even though they are small. I think I will ask about this one tonight while in trance.
“The interpretations should not be read as predictions, but should be used to provide words of advice, insights into the inner dynamics behind events," are the words I am trying to keep in mind while using these cards.

The Theoi have given me the Crane in reverse. Guess I'm just a backwards kinda gal tonight.
"The 'shadow' side of the crane is manifested as harshness, meanness, and a nagging, complaining disposition... Ask yourself to what extent you are denying the wise woman who has knowledge of death and the underworld within yourself, and to what extent your negative behavior may be a reflection of this denial."
I read this as a call to look into why I am so naggy, and mean to myself. What darkness am I trying to ignore, that then turns around and bites me with such hateful ways? Is there more to this than just bad brain chemistry? Is there something buried that needs to be brought into balance? Hmmmm