Digging in the dirt. Who could possibly think of a better way to connect with the land and its spirit inhabitants? When I planted a garden I found that the wheel of the year began to make more sense. The wheel became relevant to my daily life. The life I was attempting to foster and cultivate in my garden depended on where in the wheel we stood and my ability to make use of that information. At this time of year my heart is dancing in the brighter sunlight, and my head is making grand plans about what to place in my yard.
Normally, it is after Imbolc that I begin to scan my yard to find the wee new shoots of green. This year I found them well before Imbolc. The tulips are starting to get their hearts into this whole above the ground thing. By Ostara I will finish collecting the broccoli and brussle sprouts that are currently growing the strongest. The raspberry stalks will need pruning, because it wouldn't be Beltaine without fresh raspberries. Can you say apple trees? I know I feel a need to plant a couple. What better way to celebrate Mabon than by picking apples? Sam hain harvest will be made all the more meaningful by the planting of a Three Sisters garden.
The herb/ wild prairie flower labyrinth will need a major over haul this year. I did not keep the path very well defined last year, so now it is all but un-walkable. I wouldn’t mind the path going away, except sometimes I want to use the mountain mint and mugwort that grows in the center. I can see small shoots of the elfwort, and I know this is one plant that will need some huge reworking.
I can feel the new life stirring in the bird calls around me. The squirrels have started their high pitched trilled chirps that help mark out who’s territory is whose. The spirits of this land and of this place are beginning to quicken their movements from the slow hush of winter. This is a time of possibilities, and I love it. It feeds my soul.