Ah, beauty. Nothing moves me more deeply than a landscape full of trees and deep blue water. I find myself fascinated by works of art that stir the deeper emotions in me. Yet, the various Goddesses of beauty tend to leave me a tad cold.
Aphrodite has, in the past, been a symbol of everything I hate the most about society. She has been, to me, only the superficial views of what is attractive coupled with sex. She was the one who makes the plain child stand aside from the crowd and feel evil and wrong. She was cruel to any who did not meet up to the standard. She is a great deal more than that though, and it has taken me a long time to realize this.
She is the peitho (persuasion), himeros (longing), Philommeides (smile loving), Goddess of mixis (the mingling of two bodies). While society seems to view her at an external level, she is so much deeper than that. She is what my soul craves in ritual work. I need beauty to move me to tears and then build me up again.
It has taken me years to realize how much beauty means to me. It has also taken me a great deal of time to realize that beauty is so much more than I realize. Like anything of a divine nature, there will always be parts of it I don’t understand. There will always be places in my life where beauty moves and I have no idea that it is even happening. It is time for me to acknowledge that beauty is more than sex appeal, it is survival.I leave you with the rather deeper thoughts of Denis Dutton. This TED talk done as a white board art piece is beautiful in its own right, but what he is speaking about is that deeper level that I crave.