Welcome as well as the By-laws for our Grove

Welcome to Ad Astra. My name is Amanda Thomas I am an ADF Druid, mother, all around silly person, as well as Grove Organizer. September 29th, 2011, Ad Astra opened as an official Protogrove of ADF.
Ár nDraíocht Féin (pronounced [ˈaːrn riːəxt feːn]) is a fellowship promoting contemporary druidism that covers all Proto-Indo-European cultures, and was founded in 1983 by Isaac Bonewits. ADF performs rituals honoring three kinds of entities: gods and goddesses, ancestors (honored dead), and nature spirits. We hold no Orthodoxy, but we do follow Orthopraxy; meaning we place an emphasis on conduct, instead of on beliefs. Please feel free to visit the ADF website for more information.
This page was created as a way for those in Kansas to find out more about our Protogrove, as well as what events are up and coming.
By-laws for the Proto-Grove
Ad Astra Proto Grove By-Laws
(As Ammended [12/27/11])
Outline of Articles
Article 1: Grove Name and Mission Statement 1
Article 2: Rituals and Spirituality 1
Article 3: Membership 2
Article 4: Officers 6
Article 5: Committees, Subgroups, and Guilds 10
Article 6: Discrimination 10
Article 7: Required Grove Duties 11
Article 8: Non-Profit Nature of the Corporation 11
Article 9: Method of Amending the By-Laws 12
Article 1: Grove Name and Mission Statement
Legal Name
The legal name of this Grove of the national organization, Ár nDraíocht Féin, A Druid Fellowship, Inc., (ADF), shall be Ad Astra Proto Grove, ADF. hereinafter referred to as "the Grove" or "[Ad Astra]".
Mission Statement
[Ad Astra] is organized to serve the spiritual and intellectual needs of the community through open and inclusive public Druidic ritual; religious support of the community in a Druidic way; and fostering and promoting community for Pagans in Kansas, regardless of path or tradition.
Article 2: Rituals and Spirituality
For ceremonial, election, and fiscal purposes, the calendar year shall begin and end each November 1st, and this date shall be used for the purposes of determining active or inactive Grove status.
There shall be eight (8) High Holy days observed in public ritual each calendar year. These are November 1st, December 21st, February 1st, March 21st, May 1st, June 21st, August 1st, and September 23rd.
These rituals will be scheduled on a date within one week preceding or following the actual Holy Day.
There shall be an bi-annual meeting at the beginning of each Grove calendar year for the investiture of Officers, and other needs as they arise.
Quarters shall begin on November 1st, February 1st, May 1st, and August 1st.
Cultural Focus
For the purpose of group cohesion and continuity of practice, the cultural focus of The Grove shall be primarily Pan Indo-European in nature. As such, rites shall be conducted to reflect said focus and intent, unless otherwise requested following the procedures outlined in section and except as indicated in 2.2.1 below.
Other rites may be conducted in a manner representative of alternative Indo-European cultural focii with prior permission of the Senior Druid. Such permission shall be requested at a business meeting no later than two (2) months prior to the scheduled date of the ritual in question.
Ritual Requirements
As required by ADF, the Grove shall offer open and inclusive rites. Said rites will be publicly announced by means of, but not limited to, electronic announcement lists and other media. All reasonable efforts will be taken to ensure equal access for those with disabilities.
Conduct and Comportment
All Grove rituals and meetings shall be drug free events. Discreet use of alcoholic beverages is permitted provided their use does not violate Federal, State, or Local laws. The Grove reserves the right to exclude from any Grove activity anyone whose presence creates a disruptive or hostile environment at that activity. In addition, repeated disruptive conduct by a Grove member may result in membership being revoked.
Article 3: Membership
Membership Policy
Membership in the Grove is open to any person as per Article 6, section 6.1. If denied any type of membership in the Grove, the applicant shall still be permitted to attend all public Grove rites.
Becoming a Friend of the Grove
Any person may apply to become a Friend of the Grove upon meeting the requirements in this Article by stating their intent to join the Grove at a business meeting. Acceptance of new Friends of the Grove must be approved by a majority or the current Grove Members present at the next business meeting. Friend of the Grove benefits will begin when dues are received.
Applying to Become a Grove Member
Any Friend of the Grove may apply to become a Grove Member once they meet the requirements listed in this Article. A Friend of the Grove may apply to become a Grove Member at any business meeting, and a simple majority of voting Grove Members present can approve, reject, or table the request. In the event of a tie vote, the vote is tabled until the next business meeting. Benefits of Membership will begin when dues are received.
Inviting a Friend of the Grove to become a Grove Member
The Grove may choose to invite any Friend of the Grove to become a Grove member, if they meet the requirements listed in this Article. A Grove Member may sponsor the candidate for membership, or the Executive Committee may bring their membership up for a vote. The Grove may hold a vote to make a Friend of the Grove a Grove Member at any business meeting, and a simple majority of voting Grove Members can approve, reject, or table the request. In the event of a tie vote, the vote is tabled until the next business meeting. Benefits of Membership will begin as soon as dues are received.
Categories of Membership
Friend of the Grove
A Friend of the Grove is defined as a person who is current with their Grove dues, has attended at least one High Day ritual, and has been voted in as a Friend of the Grove. Friends of the Grove may take part in public, semi-public, and private activities of the Grove but do not receive Grove voting privileges. The only events Friends may not automatically attend are Druid Moon Rites where members are inducted, and ADF training sessions that are available only to ADF members. Friends of the Grove are not required to become Grove Members at any time.
Grove Member
A Grove Member is defined as a person who has been a Friend of the Grove for six months, is current with their Grove dues, has attended at least eleven Grove functions (at least six of these functions must be rituals), and been voted in to Grove Membership. Grove membership shall include membership in ADF, with a portion of the Grove dues being used to pay for said membership. All Grove members are entitled to vote in Grove elections, and are given votes corresponding with the number of years active affiliation with the Grove.
No person under the age of 18 years shall become a member the Grove without having submitted the Grove "Minor's Membership Application" that includes a notarized parental signature. A notarized parental signature is not required if the minor's ADF application includes a notarized signature. In addition, at least one parent or legal guardian of said minor must either attend one High Day ritual or have a conference with the Senior Druid or a Grove Priest. The Grove reserves the right to withhold membership from minors at its discretion. Should membership be granted, the minor will be held to the same standards of conduct and comportment as all other Grove members.
There shall be annual dues for membership in the Grove, which shall be payable in quarterly or yearly installments. Grove members shall pay full membership fees, and Friends of the Grove shall pay at 50% full membership. The amount of these dues is set by the Executive Committee.
Revocation or Resignation of Membership
Conditions for Revocation
Any Grove member may have their membership in the Grove revoked for theft of Grove funds or properties. Membership may also be revoked for actions disruptive to the Grove, as per Article Two, section or by petition of 2/3rds of the voting Grove members. When a member is under consideration for membership revocation, the member will be notified in writing by the Executive Committee, and will at that point be allowed to counter-petition or resign. If the member does not resign, the matter will be voted upon by the Executive Committee at a private meeting thirty (30) days after notice is given. Membership dues will not be refunded to revoked members.
Conditions for Resignation
Any Grove member may resign their membership at any time. The Grove member should inform the Senior Druid of their intent to resign, so that their name may be removed from the membership roster and any applicable mailing lists. Membership dues will not be refunded to resigned members.
Inactive Members
Members shall be considered inactive if they fail to attend at least two High Day rituasl and one other Grove activity per quarter for any two successive quarters. Upon becoming inactive status within the Grove, the member shall lose all voting rights until active status is reinstated. At such point that an inactive member is no longer current with Grove dues, they shall no longer be considered members of the Grove.
Reactivation of Membership
A Grove Member may become active again by attending a High Day ritual, attending a business meeting, and/or attending an ADF Festival with the Grove. Members who have been inactive for more than six months must request reactivation by a simple majority vote at a business meeting
Membership Sabbatical
Members may choose to go on sabbatical at any time with prior approval of the Executive Committee. During this time, dues and attendance requirements may be waived.
Returning to Friend of the Grove status
Members may choose to return from Grove Member status to Friend of the Grove status at any time. If they wish to become Grove Members again, the process detailed in 3.1.2 or 3.1.3 must be repeated. The Executive Committee has the power to determine how membership will be counted for voting purposes in these situations. The difference between Member and Friend dues will not be refunded, if a balance exists.
Lapsed Members
Members shall be considered lapsed if they fail to pay dues in full for two successive quarters. Upon becoming lapsed status within the Grove, the member shall lose all voting rights until active status is reinstated through becoming current with dues. At such point that a lapsed member has not attended ritual for two quarters, they shall no longer be considered members of the Grove. Lapsed members who wish to rejoin the Grove are responsible for paying back dues as well, which shall not exceed two quarters of dues. Members who resign their memberships and are never given lapsed status are free to rejoin with no penalty regarding dues.
Free Association and Confidentiality
Membership in the Grove is completely voluntary and confidential. No member's name, address, phone number, or any other identifying information may be released to any person or organization outside the Grove (excepting ADF) without their express written consent, subpoena by an authorized local, state, or federal court in the course of a criminal investigation or trial not withstanding. Members of the Grove may belong to any other civic, fraternal, or religious organization or club that they may wish to join, except as prohibited by ADF's governing documents.
Article 4: Officers
Senior Druid
The duties of the Senior Druid shall include, but not be limited to:
Leading the congregation in Grove rituals
Convening and attending all Grove business meetings
Acting as Interim Officer should the office of Secretary or Treasurer become vacant
Representing the Grove at any religious or secular function or in any public media article or interview
Mediating any disputes between Grove members, Officers, or Committees
Supervising all liturgical activities within the Grove
Preparing and submitting the Senior Druid's Report to the Mother Grove of ADF on a quarterly basis
As necessary, the Senior Druid may delegate these responsibilities to other Grove members.
Any Grove Member that is current and active within the Grove shall be considered eligible for Senior Druid. In addition, it shall be required that the member shall be an ADF member in good standing and have completed their ADF Dedicant Path documentation, unless no such candidates are willing or able to run. Further it shall be provided that upon election, they complete their ADF Dedicant Path documentation within one year from election.
Term Length
Term length shall be four (4) years.
The duties of the Secretary shall include, but not be limited to:
Writing, maintaining, and presenting accurate minutes and attendance records of the Grove meetings
Securing meeting space adequate to meet the needs of the Grove
Overseeing the election process for all Grove Offices
Attending all Grove business meetings
Keeping accurate attendance records for all Grove meetings
Maintaining an accurate Active and Inactive Membership Roster of all Grove Members and Friends (to include mailing address, phone number, email address, as well as anniversary dates of membership in the Grove and ADF)
Overseeing the development, production and distribution of any Grove literature
Coordinating quarterly community service; preparing and submitting quarterly Grove Activities Reports to the Senior Druid.
As necessary, the Secretary may delegate any of these responsibilities to other Grove members.
Any Grove member that is current and active within the Grove shall be considered eligible for Secretary. In addition, it shall be required that the member shall be an ADF member in good standing.
Term Length
Term length shall be one (1) year.
The duties of the Treasurer shall include, but be limited to:
Maintaining and presenting an accurate ledger of the Grove's financial records
Attending all Grove business meetings
Opening and maintaining a Grove checking account in the name of the Grove
Overseeing all fund-raising activities
Maintaining accurate records of all dues and donations for the Grove with receipts given for same
Preparing and submitting quarterly Grove Financial Reports to the Senior Druid.
As necessary, the Treasurer may delegate these responsibilities to other Grove members.
Any Grove member that is current and active within the Grove shall be considered eligible for Treasurer. In addition, it shall be required that the member shall be an ADF member in good standing.
Term Length
Term length shall be one (1) year.
Grove Priests
The duties of a Grove Priest shall include, but are not limited to:
Attending Grove Liturgy Meetings and providing guidance on ritual writing and execution
Providing individualized attention to spiritual matters for Grove Members and the community at large
Represent the Grove at local interfaith events
Offer guidance to the Grove and Executive Committee when requested
If multiple ADF Priests are ordained, the Executive Committee may request that more than one Priest fill these roles, or a Council of Priests may be created to fulfill the above duties. Grove Priests and Councils of Priests are subject to the oversight of the Executive Committee.
Any Grove Member who is ordained by ADF may become a Grove Priest, at the invitation of the Executive Committee. In addition, it shall be required that the member shall be an ADF member in good standing.
Term Length
The term of office for Grove Priests is indefinite, but may be terminated by the Executive Committee at any time.
Other Officers
As necessary, the Senior Druid may create other Grove Officer positions to serve the needs of the Grove. These positions shall be appointed and not elected, and may be of limited term.
Election Process
The Grove Secretary will call for nominations for Grove no earlier than August 15th of each year. Grove members who wish to make a nomination must notify the Secretary no later than September 1st. The Secretary shall solicit acceptance from each Nominee before placing that Nominee on the ballot, excepting in the case of self-nomination, where acceptance is implicit.
Elections will be held each year before Oct. 23rd. The number of votes per voting member shall be one vote for Grove Members with fewer than two years of membership, three votes for more than two years Grove membership in good standing, and five votes for three or more years Grove membership in good standing. In no case shall any member have more than five votes. Votes may be proxied through a Grove Officer or may be cast electronically (when available) or in writing. In all cases, abstention is considered a valid voting option.
Transfer of Office
Offices are transferred from the acting Grove Officers to the newly elected Grove Officers at the Grove’s Annual meeting.
Grandfather Clause
Officers elected prior to the adoption of this version of the bylaws shall serve the remainder of their original terms, unless removed from office pursuant to section 4.7 of this Article.
In the event a Grove Officer resigns or is removed from office prior to the end of his/her term, a special election shall be held. This election shall use the same requirements for office and voting procedures as listed in section 4.5 of this Article. The term of office resulting from any special election shall expire on the same date as the terms of office for the other elected offices.
Removal and Resignation of Officers
Any officer deemed to be unsatisfactorily fulfilling his/her responsibilities as described in this Article shall be notified in writing by the Senior Druid of such lapse. The Officer in question will be then given a warning and thirty (30) days during which to rectify the situation. If at the end of those thirty (30) days, there is no improvement the Senior Druid may request the resignation of the Officer. If there is no improvement in performance and the Officer refuses to resign, the Officer may be removed from office by a majority vote of the other Officers.
Members may also present to the Senior Druid a petition signed by 2/3rds of the Members, if they believe an Officer's performance in service of the Grove to be unsatisfactory. If the Senior Druid believes these claims to have merit, he/she may begin proceedings to remove said Officer as outlined above.
Any Grove Officer who resigns from office must submit a formal resignation from his/her position to all Grove Officers and the ADF Office.
Article 5: Committees, Subgroups, and Guilds
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall be comprised of the Senior Druid, the Grove Secretary, the Grove Treasurer, and any Grove Priests. For any meeting of the Executive Committee, except if it is specifically noted to be a private meeting, any and all voting members of the Grove may also attend but are not required.
Ad Hoc Committees
Ad hoc committees shall be created at the discretion of the Senior Druid. Said committees shall be of specific purpose and function, with a specific goal after which the committee shall be disbanded. Said committees can be recreated as the need arises.
Standing Committees
These shall be formed as needed at the request of members or the Executive Committee. They shall have a specific termination date or shall terminate at the Annual meeting, but are subject to renewal as deemed necessary.
Subgroups and Guilds
Any individual Grove Member may start a subgroup or Guild to function within the Grove.
Any subgroup, guild, or committee thus created should have oversight by the Senior Druid. Oversight shall not specifically require attendance by the Senior Druid, but may require written reports to the Senior Druid if he/she is not in attendance.
Article 6: Discrimination
Discrimination Policy
Membership and rank in the Grove and attendance at public or semi-public Grove activities shall not be denied to any person, except as mentioned elsewhere in this document, on the basis of age, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, military status, disability, location, employment, family status, or personal spiritual belief or path, provided that the individual is willing to participate in Grove activities in a polite and non-judgmental fashion.
Proven communication or behavior of a racist, sexist, homophobic, heterophobic, anti-Semitic, or otherwise bigoted manner directed towards either an individual or a group shall be grounds for punitive action by the Grove Officers, including, but not limited to suspension, expulsion, and banning from the Grove and all Grove activities. General statements of criticism or personal opinion are permissible and encouraged when offered in a non-hostile or non-destructive manner.
All organizers of public and semi-public Grove activities shall make efforts to facilitate the participation of differently-abled individuals. Nonetheless, all aspirants to any given rank or position must be able to meet all the relevant qualifications previously determined for said rank and position, unless the Grove Officers shall rule otherwise in a particular instance.
Article 7: Required Grove Duties
As per ADF governing documents, the Grove shall have the following required duties:
Meet once per lunar month
Complete at least one community service project per year
Hold eight (8) High Day rites per year that are open and inclusionary of the public
Provide Children's Education as requested by members
File quarterly reports to the Mother Grove of ADF.
Article 8: Non-Profit Nature of the Corporation
The Grove is organized exclusively for charitable religious, educational and scientific purposes including for such purposes the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under section 501(c)3 of the Interval Revenue Code or a corresponding section of any future federal tax code.
No part of the net earnings of the Corporation shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to, its members, directors, officers, or other private persons, except that the Corporation shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in Article I of these by-laws.
No substantial part of the activities of the Corporation shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting, to influence legislation, and the Corporation shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of these by-laws, this Corporation shall not, except to an insubstantial degree, engage in any activities or exercise any powers that are not in furtherance of the purposes of this Corporation.
Upon the dissolution of this Corporation, the officers shall, after paying or making provision for the payment of all the liabilities of the Corporation, dispose of all the assets of the Corporation exclusively for the purposes of the Corporation in such manner, or to Ár nDraíocht Féin, A Druid Fellowship, Inc., if ADF continues to qualify as an exempt organization or organizations under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 as revised (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law), as the officers shall determine.
Any such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by the Court of Common Pleas of the county in which the principal office of the Corporation is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such Neopagan organization or organizations, as said Court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.
Article 9: Method of Amending the By-Laws
Proposing Changes
Amendments to these bylaws may be made by petition of any Grove member to the Grove Officers. Petitions must be submitted at any Grove business meeting and then will be subject to a vote at the next Grove business meeting that is no less than three (3) weeks hence.
Voting on Changes
All Grove Members who are Active and current with their dues may vote on proposed changes to the bylaws. Votes may be cast in person, electronically, in writing, or by proxy through a Grove Officer. A petition has passed if it acquires positive votes from at least 2/3rds of the voting members. Upon passage, it shall take effect thirty (30) days after the vote was concluded.
Ár nDraíocht Féin (pronounced [ˈaːrn riːəxt feːn]) is a fellowship promoting contemporary druidism that covers all Proto-Indo-European cultures, and was founded in 1983 by Isaac Bonewits. ADF performs rituals honoring three kinds of entities: gods and goddesses, ancestors (honored dead), and nature spirits. We hold no Orthodoxy, but we do follow Orthopraxy; meaning we place an emphasis on conduct, instead of on beliefs. Please feel free to visit the ADF website for more information.
This page was created as a way for those in Kansas to find out more about our Protogrove, as well as what events are up and coming.
By-laws for the Proto-Grove
Ad Astra Proto Grove By-Laws
(As Ammended [12/27/11])
Outline of Articles
Article 1: Grove Name and Mission Statement 1
Article 2: Rituals and Spirituality 1
Article 3: Membership 2
Article 4: Officers 6
Article 5: Committees, Subgroups, and Guilds 10
Article 6: Discrimination 10
Article 7: Required Grove Duties 11
Article 8: Non-Profit Nature of the Corporation 11
Article 9: Method of Amending the By-Laws 12
Article 1: Grove Name and Mission Statement
Legal Name
The legal name of this Grove of the national organization, Ár nDraíocht Féin, A Druid Fellowship, Inc., (ADF), shall be Ad Astra Proto Grove, ADF. hereinafter referred to as "the Grove" or "[Ad Astra]".
Mission Statement
[Ad Astra] is organized to serve the spiritual and intellectual needs of the community through open and inclusive public Druidic ritual; religious support of the community in a Druidic way; and fostering and promoting community for Pagans in Kansas, regardless of path or tradition.
Article 2: Rituals and Spirituality
For ceremonial, election, and fiscal purposes, the calendar year shall begin and end each November 1st, and this date shall be used for the purposes of determining active or inactive Grove status.
There shall be eight (8) High Holy days observed in public ritual each calendar year. These are November 1st, December 21st, February 1st, March 21st, May 1st, June 21st, August 1st, and September 23rd.
These rituals will be scheduled on a date within one week preceding or following the actual Holy Day.
There shall be an bi-annual meeting at the beginning of each Grove calendar year for the investiture of Officers, and other needs as they arise.
Quarters shall begin on November 1st, February 1st, May 1st, and August 1st.
Cultural Focus
For the purpose of group cohesion and continuity of practice, the cultural focus of The Grove shall be primarily Pan Indo-European in nature. As such, rites shall be conducted to reflect said focus and intent, unless otherwise requested following the procedures outlined in section and except as indicated in 2.2.1 below.
Other rites may be conducted in a manner representative of alternative Indo-European cultural focii with prior permission of the Senior Druid. Such permission shall be requested at a business meeting no later than two (2) months prior to the scheduled date of the ritual in question.
Ritual Requirements
As required by ADF, the Grove shall offer open and inclusive rites. Said rites will be publicly announced by means of, but not limited to, electronic announcement lists and other media. All reasonable efforts will be taken to ensure equal access for those with disabilities.
Conduct and Comportment
All Grove rituals and meetings shall be drug free events. Discreet use of alcoholic beverages is permitted provided their use does not violate Federal, State, or Local laws. The Grove reserves the right to exclude from any Grove activity anyone whose presence creates a disruptive or hostile environment at that activity. In addition, repeated disruptive conduct by a Grove member may result in membership being revoked.
Article 3: Membership
Membership Policy
Membership in the Grove is open to any person as per Article 6, section 6.1. If denied any type of membership in the Grove, the applicant shall still be permitted to attend all public Grove rites.
Becoming a Friend of the Grove
Any person may apply to become a Friend of the Grove upon meeting the requirements in this Article by stating their intent to join the Grove at a business meeting. Acceptance of new Friends of the Grove must be approved by a majority or the current Grove Members present at the next business meeting. Friend of the Grove benefits will begin when dues are received.
Applying to Become a Grove Member
Any Friend of the Grove may apply to become a Grove Member once they meet the requirements listed in this Article. A Friend of the Grove may apply to become a Grove Member at any business meeting, and a simple majority of voting Grove Members present can approve, reject, or table the request. In the event of a tie vote, the vote is tabled until the next business meeting. Benefits of Membership will begin when dues are received.
Inviting a Friend of the Grove to become a Grove Member
The Grove may choose to invite any Friend of the Grove to become a Grove member, if they meet the requirements listed in this Article. A Grove Member may sponsor the candidate for membership, or the Executive Committee may bring their membership up for a vote. The Grove may hold a vote to make a Friend of the Grove a Grove Member at any business meeting, and a simple majority of voting Grove Members can approve, reject, or table the request. In the event of a tie vote, the vote is tabled until the next business meeting. Benefits of Membership will begin as soon as dues are received.
Categories of Membership
Friend of the Grove
A Friend of the Grove is defined as a person who is current with their Grove dues, has attended at least one High Day ritual, and has been voted in as a Friend of the Grove. Friends of the Grove may take part in public, semi-public, and private activities of the Grove but do not receive Grove voting privileges. The only events Friends may not automatically attend are Druid Moon Rites where members are inducted, and ADF training sessions that are available only to ADF members. Friends of the Grove are not required to become Grove Members at any time.
Grove Member
A Grove Member is defined as a person who has been a Friend of the Grove for six months, is current with their Grove dues, has attended at least eleven Grove functions (at least six of these functions must be rituals), and been voted in to Grove Membership. Grove membership shall include membership in ADF, with a portion of the Grove dues being used to pay for said membership. All Grove members are entitled to vote in Grove elections, and are given votes corresponding with the number of years active affiliation with the Grove.
No person under the age of 18 years shall become a member the Grove without having submitted the Grove "Minor's Membership Application" that includes a notarized parental signature. A notarized parental signature is not required if the minor's ADF application includes a notarized signature. In addition, at least one parent or legal guardian of said minor must either attend one High Day ritual or have a conference with the Senior Druid or a Grove Priest. The Grove reserves the right to withhold membership from minors at its discretion. Should membership be granted, the minor will be held to the same standards of conduct and comportment as all other Grove members.
There shall be annual dues for membership in the Grove, which shall be payable in quarterly or yearly installments. Grove members shall pay full membership fees, and Friends of the Grove shall pay at 50% full membership. The amount of these dues is set by the Executive Committee.
Revocation or Resignation of Membership
Conditions for Revocation
Any Grove member may have their membership in the Grove revoked for theft of Grove funds or properties. Membership may also be revoked for actions disruptive to the Grove, as per Article Two, section or by petition of 2/3rds of the voting Grove members. When a member is under consideration for membership revocation, the member will be notified in writing by the Executive Committee, and will at that point be allowed to counter-petition or resign. If the member does not resign, the matter will be voted upon by the Executive Committee at a private meeting thirty (30) days after notice is given. Membership dues will not be refunded to revoked members.
Conditions for Resignation
Any Grove member may resign their membership at any time. The Grove member should inform the Senior Druid of their intent to resign, so that their name may be removed from the membership roster and any applicable mailing lists. Membership dues will not be refunded to resigned members.
Inactive Members
Members shall be considered inactive if they fail to attend at least two High Day rituasl and one other Grove activity per quarter for any two successive quarters. Upon becoming inactive status within the Grove, the member shall lose all voting rights until active status is reinstated. At such point that an inactive member is no longer current with Grove dues, they shall no longer be considered members of the Grove.
Reactivation of Membership
A Grove Member may become active again by attending a High Day ritual, attending a business meeting, and/or attending an ADF Festival with the Grove. Members who have been inactive for more than six months must request reactivation by a simple majority vote at a business meeting
Membership Sabbatical
Members may choose to go on sabbatical at any time with prior approval of the Executive Committee. During this time, dues and attendance requirements may be waived.
Returning to Friend of the Grove status
Members may choose to return from Grove Member status to Friend of the Grove status at any time. If they wish to become Grove Members again, the process detailed in 3.1.2 or 3.1.3 must be repeated. The Executive Committee has the power to determine how membership will be counted for voting purposes in these situations. The difference between Member and Friend dues will not be refunded, if a balance exists.
Lapsed Members
Members shall be considered lapsed if they fail to pay dues in full for two successive quarters. Upon becoming lapsed status within the Grove, the member shall lose all voting rights until active status is reinstated through becoming current with dues. At such point that a lapsed member has not attended ritual for two quarters, they shall no longer be considered members of the Grove. Lapsed members who wish to rejoin the Grove are responsible for paying back dues as well, which shall not exceed two quarters of dues. Members who resign their memberships and are never given lapsed status are free to rejoin with no penalty regarding dues.
Free Association and Confidentiality
Membership in the Grove is completely voluntary and confidential. No member's name, address, phone number, or any other identifying information may be released to any person or organization outside the Grove (excepting ADF) without their express written consent, subpoena by an authorized local, state, or federal court in the course of a criminal investigation or trial not withstanding. Members of the Grove may belong to any other civic, fraternal, or religious organization or club that they may wish to join, except as prohibited by ADF's governing documents.
Article 4: Officers
Senior Druid
The duties of the Senior Druid shall include, but not be limited to:
Leading the congregation in Grove rituals
Convening and attending all Grove business meetings
Acting as Interim Officer should the office of Secretary or Treasurer become vacant
Representing the Grove at any religious or secular function or in any public media article or interview
Mediating any disputes between Grove members, Officers, or Committees
Supervising all liturgical activities within the Grove
Preparing and submitting the Senior Druid's Report to the Mother Grove of ADF on a quarterly basis
As necessary, the Senior Druid may delegate these responsibilities to other Grove members.
Any Grove Member that is current and active within the Grove shall be considered eligible for Senior Druid. In addition, it shall be required that the member shall be an ADF member in good standing and have completed their ADF Dedicant Path documentation, unless no such candidates are willing or able to run. Further it shall be provided that upon election, they complete their ADF Dedicant Path documentation within one year from election.
Term Length
Term length shall be four (4) years.
The duties of the Secretary shall include, but not be limited to:
Writing, maintaining, and presenting accurate minutes and attendance records of the Grove meetings
Securing meeting space adequate to meet the needs of the Grove
Overseeing the election process for all Grove Offices
Attending all Grove business meetings
Keeping accurate attendance records for all Grove meetings
Maintaining an accurate Active and Inactive Membership Roster of all Grove Members and Friends (to include mailing address, phone number, email address, as well as anniversary dates of membership in the Grove and ADF)
Overseeing the development, production and distribution of any Grove literature
Coordinating quarterly community service; preparing and submitting quarterly Grove Activities Reports to the Senior Druid.
As necessary, the Secretary may delegate any of these responsibilities to other Grove members.
Any Grove member that is current and active within the Grove shall be considered eligible for Secretary. In addition, it shall be required that the member shall be an ADF member in good standing.
Term Length
Term length shall be one (1) year.
The duties of the Treasurer shall include, but be limited to:
Maintaining and presenting an accurate ledger of the Grove's financial records
Attending all Grove business meetings
Opening and maintaining a Grove checking account in the name of the Grove
Overseeing all fund-raising activities
Maintaining accurate records of all dues and donations for the Grove with receipts given for same
Preparing and submitting quarterly Grove Financial Reports to the Senior Druid.
As necessary, the Treasurer may delegate these responsibilities to other Grove members.
Any Grove member that is current and active within the Grove shall be considered eligible for Treasurer. In addition, it shall be required that the member shall be an ADF member in good standing.
Term Length
Term length shall be one (1) year.
Grove Priests
The duties of a Grove Priest shall include, but are not limited to:
Attending Grove Liturgy Meetings and providing guidance on ritual writing and execution
Providing individualized attention to spiritual matters for Grove Members and the community at large
Represent the Grove at local interfaith events
Offer guidance to the Grove and Executive Committee when requested
If multiple ADF Priests are ordained, the Executive Committee may request that more than one Priest fill these roles, or a Council of Priests may be created to fulfill the above duties. Grove Priests and Councils of Priests are subject to the oversight of the Executive Committee.
Any Grove Member who is ordained by ADF may become a Grove Priest, at the invitation of the Executive Committee. In addition, it shall be required that the member shall be an ADF member in good standing.
Term Length
The term of office for Grove Priests is indefinite, but may be terminated by the Executive Committee at any time.
Other Officers
As necessary, the Senior Druid may create other Grove Officer positions to serve the needs of the Grove. These positions shall be appointed and not elected, and may be of limited term.
Election Process
The Grove Secretary will call for nominations for Grove no earlier than August 15th of each year. Grove members who wish to make a nomination must notify the Secretary no later than September 1st. The Secretary shall solicit acceptance from each Nominee before placing that Nominee on the ballot, excepting in the case of self-nomination, where acceptance is implicit.
Elections will be held each year before Oct. 23rd. The number of votes per voting member shall be one vote for Grove Members with fewer than two years of membership, three votes for more than two years Grove membership in good standing, and five votes for three or more years Grove membership in good standing. In no case shall any member have more than five votes. Votes may be proxied through a Grove Officer or may be cast electronically (when available) or in writing. In all cases, abstention is considered a valid voting option.
Transfer of Office
Offices are transferred from the acting Grove Officers to the newly elected Grove Officers at the Grove’s Annual meeting.
Grandfather Clause
Officers elected prior to the adoption of this version of the bylaws shall serve the remainder of their original terms, unless removed from office pursuant to section 4.7 of this Article.
In the event a Grove Officer resigns or is removed from office prior to the end of his/her term, a special election shall be held. This election shall use the same requirements for office and voting procedures as listed in section 4.5 of this Article. The term of office resulting from any special election shall expire on the same date as the terms of office for the other elected offices.
Removal and Resignation of Officers
Any officer deemed to be unsatisfactorily fulfilling his/her responsibilities as described in this Article shall be notified in writing by the Senior Druid of such lapse. The Officer in question will be then given a warning and thirty (30) days during which to rectify the situation. If at the end of those thirty (30) days, there is no improvement the Senior Druid may request the resignation of the Officer. If there is no improvement in performance and the Officer refuses to resign, the Officer may be removed from office by a majority vote of the other Officers.
Members may also present to the Senior Druid a petition signed by 2/3rds of the Members, if they believe an Officer's performance in service of the Grove to be unsatisfactory. If the Senior Druid believes these claims to have merit, he/she may begin proceedings to remove said Officer as outlined above.
Any Grove Officer who resigns from office must submit a formal resignation from his/her position to all Grove Officers and the ADF Office.
Article 5: Committees, Subgroups, and Guilds
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall be comprised of the Senior Druid, the Grove Secretary, the Grove Treasurer, and any Grove Priests. For any meeting of the Executive Committee, except if it is specifically noted to be a private meeting, any and all voting members of the Grove may also attend but are not required.
Ad Hoc Committees
Ad hoc committees shall be created at the discretion of the Senior Druid. Said committees shall be of specific purpose and function, with a specific goal after which the committee shall be disbanded. Said committees can be recreated as the need arises.
Standing Committees
These shall be formed as needed at the request of members or the Executive Committee. They shall have a specific termination date or shall terminate at the Annual meeting, but are subject to renewal as deemed necessary.
Subgroups and Guilds
Any individual Grove Member may start a subgroup or Guild to function within the Grove.
Any subgroup, guild, or committee thus created should have oversight by the Senior Druid. Oversight shall not specifically require attendance by the Senior Druid, but may require written reports to the Senior Druid if he/she is not in attendance.
Article 6: Discrimination
Discrimination Policy
Membership and rank in the Grove and attendance at public or semi-public Grove activities shall not be denied to any person, except as mentioned elsewhere in this document, on the basis of age, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, military status, disability, location, employment, family status, or personal spiritual belief or path, provided that the individual is willing to participate in Grove activities in a polite and non-judgmental fashion.
Proven communication or behavior of a racist, sexist, homophobic, heterophobic, anti-Semitic, or otherwise bigoted manner directed towards either an individual or a group shall be grounds for punitive action by the Grove Officers, including, but not limited to suspension, expulsion, and banning from the Grove and all Grove activities. General statements of criticism or personal opinion are permissible and encouraged when offered in a non-hostile or non-destructive manner.
All organizers of public and semi-public Grove activities shall make efforts to facilitate the participation of differently-abled individuals. Nonetheless, all aspirants to any given rank or position must be able to meet all the relevant qualifications previously determined for said rank and position, unless the Grove Officers shall rule otherwise in a particular instance.
Article 7: Required Grove Duties
As per ADF governing documents, the Grove shall have the following required duties:
Meet once per lunar month
Complete at least one community service project per year
Hold eight (8) High Day rites per year that are open and inclusionary of the public
Provide Children's Education as requested by members
File quarterly reports to the Mother Grove of ADF.
Article 8: Non-Profit Nature of the Corporation
The Grove is organized exclusively for charitable religious, educational and scientific purposes including for such purposes the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under section 501(c)3 of the Interval Revenue Code or a corresponding section of any future federal tax code.
No part of the net earnings of the Corporation shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to, its members, directors, officers, or other private persons, except that the Corporation shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in Article I of these by-laws.
No substantial part of the activities of the Corporation shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting, to influence legislation, and the Corporation shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of these by-laws, this Corporation shall not, except to an insubstantial degree, engage in any activities or exercise any powers that are not in furtherance of the purposes of this Corporation.
Upon the dissolution of this Corporation, the officers shall, after paying or making provision for the payment of all the liabilities of the Corporation, dispose of all the assets of the Corporation exclusively for the purposes of the Corporation in such manner, or to Ár nDraíocht Féin, A Druid Fellowship, Inc., if ADF continues to qualify as an exempt organization or organizations under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 as revised (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law), as the officers shall determine.
Any such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by the Court of Common Pleas of the county in which the principal office of the Corporation is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such Neopagan organization or organizations, as said Court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.
Article 9: Method of Amending the By-Laws
Proposing Changes
Amendments to these bylaws may be made by petition of any Grove member to the Grove Officers. Petitions must be submitted at any Grove business meeting and then will be subject to a vote at the next Grove business meeting that is no less than three (3) weeks hence.
Voting on Changes
All Grove Members who are Active and current with their dues may vote on proposed changes to the bylaws. Votes may be cast in person, electronically, in writing, or by proxy through a Grove Officer. A petition has passed if it acquires positive votes from at least 2/3rds of the voting members. Upon passage, it shall take effect thirty (30) days after the vote was concluded.